Think of all of the issues in your busi­ness as mon­keys jump­ing around your work­place cre­at­ing chaos. You can deal with the prob­lem by shut­ting them all in a room where you don’t have to look at them — but you’ll still know they’re there.

Facil­i­ta­tor Andy Clark will teach you how to get rid of those mon­keys per­ma­nent­ly to move for­ward and achieve results in your business.

This two-hour online work­shop will help you:

Cre­ate a meet­ing struc­ture that allo­cates ample time for resolv­ing issues

Apply a sys­tem for iden­ti­fy­ing and resolv­ing the high­est pri­or­i­ty issues in your business

Get to the root of an issue rather than deal­ing only with its symptoms